SUSTAINABILITY POLICY UOA Group had since inception, conducted its business and operations in a sustainable way. With the creation of 17 Sustainable Development Goals by United Nations ("UNSDG") in 2015, UOA Group adopts and commits itself to these goals and set out this policy to align all its various divisions across borders in the Group to the UNSDG UOA Group strongly encourages existing associate companies to adopt and similarly commit to the UNSDG. Business principles of future associates, which are consistent with those of UOA Group are pre-requisites for our future investments. This policy sets out the fundamental underlying principles to all decisions, strategies and directions of UOA Group in growing its business and creating value to its stakeholders. CORE PRINCIPLES The core principles of this policy are as follows:-
SCOPE This policy applies to all subsidiaries of UOA Group. For specific businesses, supplemental policies may be developed for adoption so long as the guiding principles and consideration do not vary from this main policy. This policy applies to all employees and directors of UOA Group. If this policy is in conflict with any rules and regulations of the country where the subsidiaries operate from, then these subsidiaries shall comply with the rules and regulations of the specific country. UOA Group formulates strategies for its business based on these underlying conditions :-
SUSTAINABILITY GOVERNANCE The Board of Directors is responsible for strategies and performance of UOA Group. The Board is supported by a Sustainability Committee that reviews and recommends strategies and measurement of results. Sustainability Working groups are established at business unit level to handle initiative implementation, monitoring, data collection and performance delivery. Economic Sustainability UOA Group takes its responsibility seriously to deliver sustainable dividend to its shareholders. Our approach is :
Environmental Sustainability UOA Group acknowledges the negative impact of climate change and commits to protect the environment. Our approach is :
Social Sustainability UOA Group is mindful that human capital is fundamental to the success of the group. Our approach is :
Governance Sustainability UOA recognizes the importance of adopting the principles and best practice of the Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance 2021, not merely its form but also the substance behind it. Our approach is :